Chat Rooms Saved My Marriage

My husband and I always had a great sex life until our baby was born last year, and we were struggling with it. He was still interested in being with me, but I just couldn’t feel the passion I had always experienced when looking at him before giving birth. I tried self-help books, talking to my doctor and even went for a few visits to a psychologist. Nothing seemed to help, and I could feel him slipping away.

Support with the Baby

I would never want anyone to think my husband was a bad man, and he was helpful with the baby no matter how our relationship was going. He was there for changing and feeding the baby whenever I needed a hand, and he made sure I had plenty of rest. While our relationship had devolved into grunts on most subjects, he made sure our child did not suffer. I loved him all the more for his dedicated support, but I still could not feel the sexual passion of our previous life.

A Late Night Viewing

One night I woke up to find him gone from bed, and I thought he was with the baby. Our son was sleeping peacefully, but the light in the den was on. I quietly walked over and peeked in to see him chatting with a woman and pleasuring himself. Suddenly, I was more aroused than ever before. I was embarrassed, so I backed off a few paces before calling him. He came out a few minutes later, and I gave him my special smile to let him know I wanted him. It was a night to remember for both of us.

Waxing and Waning Passion

It took about a week before my sexual passion wore off, and a few weeks later I caught him again with a late night viewing. I held my passion in check until the morning, but he wasn’t fooled. He realized I had seen him online, and he called in sick to work so we could discuss it. I admitted I didn’t know why it turned me on, but I told him I knew he was a regular at Real CamX and Cum Watch Me. He invited me to go online with him.

Taking Matters Further

Our sex life was incredible for a few months because he would log on and I’d watch from the corner of the room. Many times we never made it to the bedroom, but it never seemed to matter. Our sex life was incredible, and then he introduced me to another online venue. His favorite site was VR Adult Fun, and he showed me porn in virtual reality. It was another turn on for us, and we have continued to use it to enhance our relationship.

The doctors still have no reason why I occasionally stop feeling passionate towards the husband I love, but we have found our own cure online. Without the chat rooms and porn there, our marriage might not have survived. We’re doing fine, and whenever we need a bit of a boost we go online to our favorite sites.